Re: CRYO/AGING: [was Re: CRYO: Illegality of Cryonics in BritishColumbia]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 15:27:00 MDT

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, CYMM wrote:

> Does that make sense to you??... where do we start? Are you interested in
> politics - as a lobbyist?

I'm not a fan of politics generally. Before you start a political effort
you want a huge collected organized "body of knowledge" that creates
a relatively unassailable position (before you try to turn everyone's
very strong beliefs upside down). [This is what I refer to as winning
the argument with "throw weight".]

Someone was on Charlie Rose the other night. He related a story
about where Mario Cumo had offered to let the NY Times *grill* him
about the economy and his position on various aspects of it. He
sat with the reporters for *12 hours* answering questions. Someone
commented that they *still* talk about it today. That is the kind
of depth and commitment you need to move this forward.

> If all we can currently do at this stage is to talk (...please, this is
> not to give offense...) let's do the talk effectively.

Call up Peter Passaro at the Maximum Life Foundation. Tell him
you want to assist in gathering information, doing research,
writing documents, organizing a local chapter, etc. I'm sure he
will find plenty for you to do.


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