Re: baby making machines?

From: Wilson (
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 16:50:45 MDT

I'm not sure those Chinese kidnappers are going to be able to afford the
Sanrio "Hello Womb" kit.


At 03:11 PM 7/18/00 -0700, you wrote:

>On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Bill Douglass wrote:
> > I wrote:
> > >The gap between our perspective of making copies of ourselves
> > > and intermingling them and the individuals in China who are
> > > buying baby making machines is rather stunning.
> >
> > Robert- (or anyone else who cares to respond)
> >
> > What are you referring to here, when you mention "baby making machines"?
> >
>Sorry, Bill, sometimes my humor/rhetoric gets a bit obtuse. I was
>refering to the practice of kidnapping women so you could get them
>to grow children (presumably more males). Aparently when the
>article was written the M:F ratio in China was about 120:100,
>so some men have to resort to paying kidnappers to obtain the
>future mothers of their children.
>Though I have heard that the Japanese are working on an artificial
>womb, so that option may be developing (---Haha.. I get it.. =) as well.

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