Re: Throwing down the glove [was Re: Nanotech/Opensource:OpinionsNeeded.]

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 21:19:39 MDT

"Emlyn (onetel)" wrote:
> I am reminded of the famous equation, was it Dijkstra? You know, Program =
> Coder + Coffee. I've just recently realised the corollary to this; Good
> Program = Good Coder + Good Coffee. Of course there's some room to move, you
> can do Good Program = Crap Coder + Blue Mountain, or Good Program = Code God
> + instant (although you've gotta watch the subsequent rise in an already
> monumental hourly rate which will follow).

So...Sysop = Code God + Blue Mountain? ^_-

- a wannabe code god + tea + no tea

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