let them eat bits

From: Forrest Bishop (forrestb@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 03:46:38 MDT

By Reginald H. Howe
July 17, 2000
 ... their views rest very much on studies in
comparative history, particularly of monetary systems
in different places at different times. Their struggle
in its broadest sense is for freedom -- a worldwide
economic freedom that is not possible without an
international monetary system based on a permanent and
shared standard of value.

Gold bugs [sound money advocates] cannot be truly
understood apart from the
fundamental values to which they are committed:
personal integrity and honest dealing. Today they are
vastly outnumbered by public and private forces with
far more resources and huge stakes in continuing the
system of unlimited fiat money [printing-press currency]
-- impermissible under
the Constitution of the United States -- that they have
erected largely for their own benefit.

 Tyranny spawns resistance, and the tyranny of the paper

[My term: "sustainable plunder"- the resultant of Bretton
Woods masquerading as the "Keyensian Boom".]

is no exception. Organizations favoring some
sort of return to sound money based on gold or silver
exist all over the globe.

Working to restore gold to its rightful place both at
the center of the international payments system and in
the American constitutional order, gold bugs are
soldiers for economic freedom, which in the end is an
essential component of political freedom too. They keep
alive concepts, ideas, and values that have fallen out
of fashion, that are no longer taught in schools and
colleges, but that nevertheless embody the wisdom of
the ages.

Without the gold bugs, the collapse of today's
worldwide system of unlimited fiat money is likely to
lead to dark times indeed. With them, if they do their
job well now, the collapse can instead be turned into a
springboard from which to restore principles of sound
money and public integrity long absent from the world
and national stages.

"All paper will burn."

Forrest Bishop
Interworld Productions, LLC
Institute of Atomic-Scale Engineering

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