Re: Life Extension strategies [was Re: How does Taxol, Lapachone "fix"bad checkpoints?]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 21:07:38 MDT

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, CYMM wrote:

> CYMM SAYS: The antiageing tech curve I presume? I gambling on it but I'm
> trying to hedge.

A wise approach.
> I consider you to be an expert on the evolution of LE technology... can you
> give me (and other similarly inclined folks) a sober 10 year forecast for LE
> tech?

It would take pages and pages and pages and I'm not that ambitious (sorry).
(Especially since I think I've just figured out that the data may be available
for me to determine if stars are disappearing (and turning into MBrains...)).

Hopefully, The Maximum Life Foundation/LifeEx Tech is going to make this
part of their mission and I'll be reviewing much of it. So I expect you
will see it developing over the next 3-6 months.

> Will GH secretagogues be a big thing? Will CoQ10 be used in large doses
> >300mg/day as a LE therapy??

The real advances will be in understanding your personal polymorphisms
so you know what you need and what you don't. I'd argue that there
is are subsets of the population that need GH & CoQ10, GH or CoQ10
or none of the above. Anything that doesn't kill you before the
age of reproduction is likely to be somewhat polymorphic. Look
at ApoE for example.


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