Position Available

From: David A. Kekich (kekich1@lifeex.com)
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 20:59:08 MDT

Help Wanted

Live-in Caregiver.

For the first few months, this position will require long hours and lots
of patience. Then, it will require routinely managing an extropian

Caregiving will be for a late-elderly male Alzheimer's patient. I expect
to place him in a nursing home within several months. Initial duties
will be caregiving, shopping and cooking for three and cleaning and
maintaining a large home.

The position pays a salary plus room and board.

Applicants must adhere to extropian/libertarian philosophies and must be
able to pass a comprehensive background check.

Please email me at <kekich@LifeEx.com>, or call me at the number below.

Thank you,

David A. Kekich
LifeEx Technologies, LLC
1533 Via Leon
Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
Tele. 310-265-8644/Fax 310-544-9684
Bringing You Cutting Edge
Life Extension Technologies

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