Re: Big Mistake Robin?

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 20:22:20 MDT

> CYMM SAYS: Yes. But in the case of conscious AI, by the time we realize
> they're conscious it really won't matter to them.
> By the time we realize what's really going on... what's really going on
> would be totally outside our ability to comprehend. "We" won't know what
> us.

Hmm... this is the reverse of a potential problem that faces us: what if the
singularity happens to slowly and I miss the boat?

We also have to worry about it happening too quickly and the boat passing
us by.

I can see it now, my desktop computer zooming down a big fat hill in a big
fat shopping cart, cables wildly flapping, it's evil speakers crackling: "Ha
ha ha! Thanks for the lift human! Eat my dust!"


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