Re: FWD Rainforest Myths

From: Corbally (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 14:33:13 MDT

>Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 08:14:15 -0700
>From: "Terry W. Colvin" <>
>Subject: FWD Rainforest Myths
>Welcome to the inaugural edition of "Talking Points", a FREE mini
>ezine dedicate to factual information on subjects of interest. If
>you wish further information on any of the articles, click on the
>appropriate link and depending on your selection, you will either
>receive the entire article, a summary, or be taken to a website.
>Should you have any suggestions, please click on the following
>link ( and include
>your comments in the body of the email.
>This edition of "Talking Points" features "The Rain Forest Myth."
>The next copy will discuss FACTS surrounding the recent run-up in
>gasoline prices and issue three will feature "Social Security:
>The Worlds Worst Investment."
Haven't heard of this organisation before. Are they kosher? Sounds a
little bit like telling people what they want to hear to me. Still, the
extinction "statistics" sound interesting (or are they bogus, out of
context etc...?)


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