Re: 'reactionary'

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 11:34:46 MDT

scerir wrote:
> I have found in some dictionary and in some e-dictionary those terms
> *eversion* and *eversive*. I suppose that these terms come from the latin
> *ex-vertere*, which has not
> the same meaning as *sub-vertere* (subversion, subversive).
> In Italy we use so much the term eversione and the term rivoluzione
> (revolution).
> Revolution is, in principle, or in theory, linked to freedom, while
> eversione (eversion) is linked to some subtle, hidden oppression, or to
> fascism.

Eversion is actually merely the democratic process, akin to voting out of office
(i.e. turning the inside out) politicians comfortable in their power. Its
typical that an area steeped in communist theory would see the democratic
process as perpetuating oppression and fascism.

> In the '60s and in the '70s we had both. We had *eversive* bombs and we had
> also the revolutionary Red Brigades (still existing). Now we have a sort of
> unabomber (we too).
> But the very point is: do the extropic themes *appear* (in EU *catholic*
> countries) linked to freedom? I do not think so.

Where the Catholic establishment in EU countries, like many other organized
religions sees ideas like 'freedom of religion' to mean that they are free to
force their religion on others, and any restraint on that freedom must be

Its a twist, much like how people view freedom of expression not to mean "I have
a right to my own opinions", but that "Everyone has a right to my opinions".
This is the typical busybodiness that causes the encroachment of government
power, authoritarianism of any kind that thinks that leaving individuals to
their own devices is a violation of nature.

> In my modest opinion, (EU) extropians have to do every effort in this
> direction.

EU countries seem to suffer from a severe case of doublespeak.

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