Re: Lee's opinion of the Artists' World (ws)Napster: thoughts and comments?

From: Emlyn (onetel) (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 23:33:57 MDT

> In a message dated 7/11/2000 1:04:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Go read Courtney Love's article in Salon sometime. Most artists
> > are getting toally screwed. Y
> Courtney love is a big phony baloney. Ask me what I think Kurt Cobain died
> for...
> She is not an artist, she is as Tom Waits and Primus so aptly put it:
> "riding on the coattails of a deadman".
> I am surprised you didn't add that to your list of ways to get rich
> copyright - marry someone famous and steal their limelight

You've gotta drive them to suicide too. Not hard in her case I think;
imagine waking up in the morning to Courtney Love, and then realising "Hey,
that's my wife". Whoa.

(please don't try to really imagine the above, especially the gun toting
crowd. I do not accept any responsibility for the results of such dangerous

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