Re: More Green Party

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 12:34:32 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 04:24 PM 28/06/00 GMT, Zeb wrote:
> >>Yeah, yeah. Stalinism isn't anyone's model of a good society.
> >
> >I doubt that Bonnie's friend was there while Stalin was in power.
> <sigh>
> You think history evaporates overnight?
> >Make a list of the 5 technical innovations which you feel most vastly
> >improve your life.
> >Now next to each one, write where they were invented.
> Controlled use of combustion - Africa
> Controlled use of non-human animals - Africa?
> Controlled use of crops - Africa?
> Controlled use of water supply - northern Africa? New Guinea?
> Antibiotics - Britain/Australia
> Your point?

That everyone will pick those answers that fit their positions best...

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