President Barbie - the extropian candidate?

From: Emlyn (onetel) (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 01:53:28 MDT

I just noticed that a President Barbie is being made (not news for the US list members I guess);

Too bad she's not running for real prez, she'd likely be the most extropian candidate.

Perpetual progress: Barbie's been through more career changes than I can count (bigger than 3). She's continually upgrading, improving, changing. Now she's running for Prez. That's progress!
Self Transformation: When you think Self Transformation, think Barbie. She's not going natural; Barbie is pure synthetic. Reminds me of a post here some time back quoting Dolly Parton.
Practical Optimism: Well, she'd no pessimist. I'm not sure about practical. How does she walk, for instance?
Intelligent Technology: Just ask Mattel; they'll tell you that Barbie technology is the most intelligent thing they've pursued. Also, she's made of durable plastic (even little kids don't seem to be able to break her; I've watched my daughter try). She'll be in tip-top condition, thousands of years from now.
Open Society: Hmm, I haven't actually heard her campaign platform; maybe it's the original blank-slate. That's openness!
Self Direction: Well, actually she's more of a puppet than a real leader; needs someone else to direct her actions. But that's no worse than any of the other candidates.
Rational Thinking: Let her off the hook on this one; she's trying to be a politician, after all. She does embody a very successful memeset  - "Girls nationwide own an average of eight Barbies" (from the Url above). Somebody is engaged in rational thinking in Mattel's PR department.
We just have to hope for Seed AI Barbie; a regular barbie, with a button on the back:
<push button> "I've just redesigned my cognitive processes; now I am 100 IQ. <giggle>"
<push button> "I've just redesigned my cognitive processes; now I am 200 IQ. <giggle>"
<push button> "I've just redesigned my cognitive processes; now I am 400 IQ. <giggle>"
<push button> "I've just redesigned my cognitive processes; now I am 800 IQ. <giggle>"

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