Re: snappy sound bites for Glowing Grass

Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 16:25:21 MDT

Spike wrote:

> [T]here is the possibility we could stoop as
> low and have our own bumper stickers: "The Greens want to
> take away our medical treatment" and "Genetically modified
> crops help save babies from starvation." That kinda thing. spike

A smiling, round-faced child turns from her play in a green, flowered park to
say to the camera, "I am GM!" Images of sincere technicians and Suzy's
friendly doctor follow as the voice-over explains that little Suzy lives
today only thanks to genetic therapy. Closing shot of Suzy's parents hugging
her and saying to the camera, "Thanks to GM, our daughter is OK!"

T.0. Morrow

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