Science Frontiers website

From: Terry W. Colvin (
Date: Sat Jul 08 2000 - 15:56:05 MDT

< >

"The new web-site address for "Science Frontiers" and the Sourcebook Project
is shown above. At this site, you will find the first 121 issues of SF
accompanied by a helpful search engine. In addition, we have provided
the titles of the 1,770 sections (anomalies) cataloged in the first
18 volumes of the "Catalog of Anomalies". Also listed are many hundreds
of '"file titles"' that will eventually be written up and published in
future catalog volumes. With a click or two you can also find descriptions
and ordering information for all available catalogs and handbooks."


Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA)
< >
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