Re: omega-point-deity (was: from Italy about exi)

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 02:02:19 MDT writes:

> Blaming ideas by Barrow( now at Cambridge I think) and Tipler at Tulane
> doesn't seem profitable since Tipler has already stated that he feels that
> religion will become a part of physics as knowledge of the human place and
> destiny in the universe increases.

See the science fiction page in Nature this week: "The abdication of
Pope Mary III" by Robert J. Sawyer. It has a nice take on this that
also relates a bit to this discussion.

> What I suggest, is to "cheerfully" explain to the merely curious or
> the misinformed that the universe is way-big enough for all kinds of
> religions and plenty of room left over for atheists to. Baring that,
> if they are persistently obnoxious, give their nuts a healthy tweak.

Unfortunately I think you miss Waldemar's point. The misinformed will
simply believe that we are some sort of cult, and then not listen to
us (how often do we *listen* to religious fundamentalists, and not
just picking up stuff to make fun of?).

> In a message dated 7/4/00 7:41:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Do I have to spell it out for you again. lets go. The people are not
> interested of geeky religions and math teorems, end of story.
> If they have alredy formd a predjudice against transhumanism becuse Tippler,
> we are all very FUCKED. Then we're seen as a nutty sect, and in for all heck
> of a lot of slope before being able to communicate outwards again. And this
> just because they skimmed a Tipler page or especially anti- Tipler page.
> So, what to do?
> Ingdahl >>

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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