Re: Curtains, Action, some good spoofs, in you please!

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Tue Jul 04 2000 - 18:42:35 MDT

From: Anders Sandberg <>, Date: 03 Jul 2000

>Q: Why did the extropian cross the road?
>A: Because of the inevitable evolution of lightbulb jokes towards more
>advanced forms.

Hee hee. Yup.

On a completely unrelated note. I saw Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard
and Chuck Berry perform this evening. I didn't even know those great old
Rock-n-Roll guys could still play (I didn't even know they were still
alive!). What fun! 73-year-old Chuck Berry had 1000 people boogying
all over the concert dance floor! He didn't slow down one minute.
Go Go Go ... Go Johnny Go..  Go Johnny Go.. Johnny B Good......
                        (  --->  ---->  ---> Amara boogying off the page ---> )

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