Re: Improvements (and note)

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 23:00:55 MDT

Natasha Vita-More wrote:
> >< My current book project, working title is A Talent for Living: 20 World
> >Class Thinkers Crack the Myths
> >of Mortality, is designed to communicate certain specific qualities which
> >cause us to want to break
> >through the myths of glorifying and tolerating death. Committed to the
> >project are Ray Kurzweil,
> >F-2030, Roy Walford, Max More, Stewart Brand, and Megatrends’ John
> >Naisbitt. I am currently
> >pitching to Barbara Walters, Arnold Schwarzennager, Susan Sontag and others.>
> >
> >Arnie is a `world class thinker' ??!! I'm sure he's a smart and quite rich
> >businessman, and it's a good PR move to include him, but should you then
> >find a more general or apposite word than `thinkers' in the title?

If nothing else, Arnold Schwarzenegger has established definitively and
for all time that there is no destiny in names. That has to be worth

--    Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

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