Re: more national missile defense

From: R. Harrill (
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 04:01:24 MDT

Spike Jones wrote an impassioned defense of a zillion dollar missile defense:

> Now then, are you a terrorist, with one, two
> or say... five missiles? Do you feel lucky? Are you willing to
> pay the supreme price for a chance to hurt the great satan?

Isn't that part of the nature of terrorism? For instance, I'm sitting here reflecting back to a
Marine barracks in Lebanon. Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper to shed the great satan role and quit
bullying people into hating us so much that they're willing to "pay the supreme price"?

Actually, I'm much more worried about the full-scale police state we're going to live in when the
feds realize a suitcase nuke is far more likely to take down the first American city. All in all,
it's easy to see NMD as just another toy for the hoary military-industrial complex.

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