Re: more national missile defense

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Jul 02 2000 - 18:34:08 MDT

John Clark wrote:

> Spike Jones <> Wrote:
> > Anyone wish to speculate on the outcome? I predict a hit.
> I'd give you 3 to 2 odds they'll call it a total success. If it blows up 100 miles
> from its target they'll call it a partial success. Only if it actually explodes
> (pardon my language, if it energetically disassembles) on the launch pad
> without moving an inch well they call it a partial failure.

John may I repost this if it is a dead-on hit, with a huuuuge flash
of brilliant light? You may repost my Pollyanna/Tigger posts if
it is a flop. {8^D This is a game, John, only a game. spike

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