Re: Is Eugenics Really A Bad Thing?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sat Jul 01 2000 - 19:08:02 MDT

>From: Carl de Visser <>

> > The perfect human would be:
> > -strong
> > -tall
>Where do you get tall from? Being tall myself I appreciate the compliment,
>but why is tall useful? Not good for space travel, for that matter it
>keeps air travel expensive.

Tallness is valuable from a military and aesthetic perspective. Most
females are more drawn to tall ("dark and handsome" too) males than they are
to shorter males. To them it probably just looks better. But
evolutionarily speaking a tall man would probably have been a better
defender of hearth and home than a short guy. Millions of years of
evolutionary training is hard to ignore, even when the lessons it teaches
have been largely rendered irrelenant.


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