From: CYMM (
Date: Sat Jul 01 2000 - 16:07:51 MDT

GREG BURCH SAID: "...organizing a well-funded, well-staffed and
well-equipped clinic and research facility where "wide-open" life extension
and other transhumanist technology can be carried forward. I've done quite
a bit of thinking about what would be required, from a legal and business
perspective, to accomplish this. If you're interested, I'd be happy to
discuss it with you...."

CYMM SAYS: I'm interested... theoretically at first. Maybe I'm paranoid; but
I see modern technology as having great potential to liberate those who
understand and would have access to it.

"Liberating" in the sense that technological developments - especially in AI
& robotics - could produce individuals who are truly economically

Sovereign individuals.

I am not so sure that this idea is appealing either to sovereign
nation-states; or practically sovereign corporations.

Frankly, I see thinly disguised attempts to control any "liberating"
technology already in the making... the "war on supplements" is a good
beginning. It's funny how jurisprudence fabricates the "rational man" ...yet
the assumption behind laws against drugs etc. insist that the average person
has the rationality of a potato.

Greg, I'd entertain any discussion that does not run too much a risk of
making me a marked man...


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, July 01, 2000 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: SOC: Radical Anti-Genengineering

>In a message dated 6/28/00 5:46:02 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> I am part of a radical LE "ring". We all have the relevant technical
>> background. This "paranoid" scenario is uppermost in our minds.
>> We suspect tha SEVERAL technologies of the near future will be
>I agree that this is one possible scenario, although the picture won't be
>monolithic: Some places will allow most, if not all life extension
>technologies to be developed and practiced, many will ban one or more and a
>few will ban all new biotech. I would like to know that someone is
>organizing a well-funded, well-staffed and well-equipped clinic and
>facility where "wide-open" life extension and other transhumanist
>can be carried forward. I've done quite a bit of thinking about what would
>be required, from a legal and business perspective, to accomplish this. If
>you're interested, I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
> Greg Burch <>----<>
> Attorney ::: Vice President, Extropy Institute ::: Wilderness
> -or-
> ICQ # 61112550

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