Re: SOC/TECH: GreenStar <------- MUST SEE

From: Everitt Mickey (
Date: Fri Jun 30 2000 - 01:18:24 MDT

Brian D Williams apparently said (in part)

<"Anybody" was the answer, "I don't know, the
homeless for example." Homeless? I stared incredulously.....
suddenly my evil twin emerged. "Well the homeless have no fixed
residence" I stated "That makes them natural cellular customers"
"That's what I'm talking about," the group leader beamed>

Very interesting...and it reminds me of a recent experience...

The other month I was in one of the "homeless" cities....(some cities have a
much more visible (to me) "homeless" infestation than others...Houston,
L.A., Phoenix, and Okie City come to mind...

I was stopped at a red light and one of the dirty but otherwise apparently
very healthy homeless individuals was displaying his cardboard sigh
"homeless...hungry...stranded...please help....GodBless"........begging for

Suddenly he got a puzzeled expression on his face.......................

................and removed his cell phone from a pocket.......

incoming call.....

Tulia Tx...

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