Re: SOC/TECH: GreenStar <------- MUST SEE

Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 18:09:18 MDT

In a message dated 26/06/00 20:12:06 GMT Standard Time,

> I was forced to attend a marketing meeting to "Brainstorm" new
> ideas for creating revenue. The leader was prancing around trying
> to get us to give ideas on expanding market opportunities. "Like to
> who" somebody asked. "Anybody" was the answer, "I don't know, the
> homeless for example." Homeless? I stared incredulously.....
> suddenly my evil twin emerged. "Well the homeless have no fixed
> residence" I stated "That makes them natural cellular customers"
> "That's what I'm talking about," the group leader beamed
> approvingly.

    I think I work for his brother.


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