Re: POL/HUMOR: Who's a fascist?

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 13:32:15 MDT

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> >
> > > > Since that particular F-word gets bandied about here
> > > > on occasion, with much furor over to whom it
> > > > applies, I present a "rational" means of settling
> > > > the argument & saving future bandwidth:
> > > >
> > >
> > > LOL!! 2.2 -- I'm a "liberal airhead", it says! ;)
> >
> > Even /I/ scored as "liberal airhead" on that one (2.6),
> > which tells you more about the test than about me.
> Bah! I always knew you were a bleeding heart Lee! ;)
> Considering it was written by a guy whose academic life involved the fusion of
> Freud with Marx, I have no idea how logical it is. I am heartened by the fact
> that James Rogers scored so close to myself, because I know that he and I share
> quite a few similar opinions, that the test does measure SOMETHING. I'm left
> wondering what sort of people score between 4-6 on the test...

Pat Buchanan, William Bennett, Alan Keyes, Pat Robertson would likely
score well up there...

I'm increasingly of the opinion that there are two types of people out
there- control freaks and normal folks. Trouble is, it's the freaks
that bubble to the top in political arenas, 'cause most of us don't want
the hassle of bossing people around.

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, XCOR Aerospace

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