RE: PR disasters

From: altamira (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 12:48:40 MDT

Disclaimer: I've only been on this list for a few weeks, and my views are
my own and not those of any group, including this one. The people on this
list have been kind enough to tolerate me and answer some of my questions.
I now have another one--see below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> The best defense against this is to make sure the mainstream of the
> discussion is held in a polite and understandable manner, to create
> clear principles that can help people understand that the extremist is
> just that, and overall try to gain a good reputation.

What are the bad things that could happen if the Extropians didn't have a
good reputation? With whom must they try to maintain a good reputation?


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