RE: Survey of American Attitudes Toward and Knowledge of Science

From: altamira (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 12:38:14 MDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Michael S. Lorrey
> No, but I am not terribly surprised. I remember when I was in the 2nd or
> 3rd grade, and the teachers started doing astronomy. I was big into
> astronomy at that age, and knew quite a lot. When the teachers got to
> explaining why there are seasons, they claimed it was because the earth
> moved closer and farther from the sun in its orbit, whereupon I stood up
> and told them they were wrong and proceeded to explain what really
> caused the seasons. I got told to shut up and I was sent to the
> principals office... and people wonder why I don't have much respect for
> teachers in america...

You too, huh? I spent a lot of my childhood in principals' offices,
sometimes justifiably, like the time I wrote dirty captions for every
picture in my Latin book. I don't remember the details, but I do recall that
"The Giant Shitter," a large horse, appeared as a unifying theme throughout.


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