From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 05:42:24 MDT
Amara Graps wrote:
> John M Grigg (, Mon, 19 Jun 2000
> >As I've said before, almost everyone I have known personally that has
> >visited europe has been robbed at least once while they were there,
> >they've had their hotel rooms robbed, their cars broken into or
> >stolen, and bags snatched out of their hands.
> [...]
> >I have heard stories of severe thievery in Europe and on a
> >sophisticated level that dates back centuries. I did not know they
> >suffered from apathy when it comes to intervening in situations such
> >as an ongoing rape.
> I'm having a bit of a disconnect with these statements John. I've been
> living in, and traveling extensively through Europe (8 countries)
> during the last 2 1/2 years, and I've not encountered what you
> described. It would help us if you were more specific on the
> locations.
Actually, it was me who said the first bit (pre [...]), not John.
Locations? Britain (London, Liverpool), Amsterdam, Rome, Venice, Naples,
Paris. The apathy toward rape incident occured in London. In Rome my
father's rental car was broken into and his camera bag was stolen, mom
was pickpocketed in Venice....
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