Re: Cryonics sources (humor)

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 00:38:20 MDT


On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 23:02:52  
 Spike Jones wrote:
>John M Grigg wrote:
>> I have problems with the reconstruction of people from records....
>*YOU* have a problem?  What about me?  The only records I will
>leave behind on this terrestrial ball are a pile of classified reports
>which will never see the sunlight, and a bunch of extropians posts,
>most of which are intentionally goofy.  Its hard to imagine being
>reconstructed from that material...  {8-[    {8^D 
Spike, come to think of it, from that they might get a very good approximation of you!!
John  :)
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