Re: stretching comfort zones (for Amara and Bonnie)

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 22:02:47 MDT

Amara wrote:
The more I read what you write, the more I feel like I'm in a presence of a superwoman. Are you a real person, Bonnie? And not some sophisticated Eliza program that maybe my ancient Macintosh inserted into my daily Extropy digests?

Very high praise, indeed... Bonnie is someone who has done so much in her life. I keep on thinking how she has come full circle. I remember hearing of a science fiction short story about a future earth society where only the wealthiest could back out of the consumerist treadmill and live simply!

Sigh, now I really want to meet her at the next Extro.
I hope she'll there. :)

I read the book excerpt to a female friend who really enjoyed it. I can see how for a young teenage girl it could be especially good. I will have to search for the book and maybe get multiple copies.

For all I live in Alaska I don't get out all that much. The last time I went on a major hike was last year(just Denali park). I remember once as a boy going on a hike by myself while my family stayed at the campsite. I felt so at peace with an enclosed ceiling of high tree branches overhead. It felt almost magical. I felt like a character from a Tolkien novel(but there were no giant spiders around:)).

best wishes,

John Grigg

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