Re: COMP: Breeding a Better Engine

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 21:23:11 MDT wrote:

> Well, I'll reveal my ignorance: I've never heard of a shaft-driven ohc
> system. Are there such in production???? I thought they were all belt- or
> chain-driven.

Ill see if I can find a URL.

> > pushrod, fat bob tank, softtail-like back-end, air cooled 98 CI Vtwin,
> > even a belt final drive. They must be stopped. I want one. {8^D spike
> We've now identified an unbridgeable gap between us, Spike old man.

You said it right: *old* man. 5 yrs ago I would sooner barf than ride
anything that looked like a cruiser. Then the wrists started to act up.
I have a standardish sport bike: a Bandit 1200. Lotsa fun, power
wheelies and all that, but I may hafta sell it. I was just out on it
this afternoon and already my wrists are aching. That forward posture
puts a lotta strain on the wrists, and I would rather give up that bike
than typing.

Cruisers: upright posture, feet forward, back vertical, no weight
on the wrists. I have a touring bike too, and that mount is much
easier on the both wrists and ass. Greg, Im getting old, bud. {8-[
I do still looooove tearing around on the Bandit tho.

Hey come on out, you can ride the Bandit, Ill mount the Cavalcade,
we can tour California. {8^D spike

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