Re: Extravagant Conception

From: Madame Ubiquitous (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 14:27:01 MDT


Can't give you any stats...but it should be noted that the idea of
conception and the infusion of the soul happening at the same instant is a
rather new one in Christian doctrine, much for that reason (that many
pregnancies...or conceptions at least...are naturally ended. Indeed, I
don't think any statistics you get are going to be terribly accurate,
because most of those pregnancies pass entirely unnoted...the woman may
not even miss a period, or if she does, the miscarriage is misinterpreted
as a merely late period) If you want proof of this, (and can stand the
theology :) ) read Anselm or Scotus.

Eileen, who will climb back into her lurker's hide-out now :)

"We can do no great things; only small things with great love."
                       -Mother Theresa

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