Re: eeyore and tigger

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 13:53:28 MDT

Martin Ling wrote:
> Spike, heads up! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to
> smuggle a small nuclear device into the United States, deliver it to a
> pre-arranged location in empty desert, and detonate from a safe
> distance. The explosion will be filmed, and the media and government
> notified immediately on the project's success.
> Would you do it? :-)

Well...if you could *get* that small nuclear device, this just might be
worth doing. Claim responsibility (to:, cc:
all the major media contacts you can collect - emphasis on independent
media which are less likely to obey a gov't "don't run this story"
order) via an obviously hacked/anonymous/untraceable e-mail address,
listing most of the points here, possibly attaching a video clip of the
blast (which would likely be public knowledge anyway, but a relatively
close shot proves you were there, so you probably knew was going to
happen). Just make sure it can never be traced back to you.

But then, where would you get the device? I suspect most of the people
on this list do not have the connections and wealth to buy one of
Russia's warheads.

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