The wooden head, and modeling the opposite sex

From: Eirikur Hallgrimsson (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 21:43:09 MDT

Spike, I really like your concept of the wooden head.
I can see a marriage of this to the psychology of Eric Berne, (who
was talking about non-contributors using specious arguments about
imaginary disabilities. (The game of wooden-leg.)

"I can't think about this. I've got a wooden head!"

Two cents on the cross-sex experience issue: What would it cost you
to model "whatever" is needed to explain the difference between your
behavior and that of the opposite sex (an example like a friend or
co-worker in close proximity would help). My best friend from the
age of 15 is a woman. I often have to model her if she's not around
and I need her perspective......actually the net helps a lot there.
Scary thought....maybe I wouldn't have developed the skill if we had
had the net at the point where we diverged geographically for
college. Interestingly, she reports the same experience, needing
to model me for the perspective. How well this works, as opposed to
its 'comfort' value, is certainly open to question, but I really
think it's worth trying. To say that it's of no value is
vitalism--I'm saying that the visible difference 'is' the difference,
for the sake of argument. Before experience-sharing technology, we
do at least have our innate modeling skills.


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