Must read stuff at your local newstand

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 21:25:53 MDT

Someone recently mentioned the current Time Magazine issue, and it *is* very
interesting. While at my local newstand this week I spotted another mag I
just *had* to pick up. Scientific American's Quarterly is entitled "The
Quest to Beat Aging." I have not read it yet, but it looks like stuff that
(although probably a lot of old news) would be of interest to those on the
list. It is to be displayed on newstands until 9/6/2000. Table of


6. When Life Knows No Bounds -- Postponing death changes the meaning
     of life.

--Getting Ever Older

8. How Long Have You Got? -- To 120 years old and beyond.
18. Design For Living -- Centenarians teach us how to age gracefully.
22. From Baby Boom To Geezer Glut -- By 2030 one in five Americans
     will be a senior.
26. Social Insecurity -- Don't count on retiring at age 65.

--The Battle Against Aging

30. Living Longer: What Really Works? -- Science has yet to do much
     better than snake oil.
38. A Radical Approach -- At the molecular level we all rust like the
     Tin Man of Oz.
50. Counting the Lives of a Cell -- The attempt to turn back the clock
     for cells in decline.
56. Mother Nature's Menders -- Stem cells might build new hearts,
     livers -- even brains.
62. Spare Parts for Vital Organs -- Melding advanced materials with
     cell cultures may do away with transplants.
68. Of Hyperaging and Methuselah Genes -- The search is on for genes
     that lengthen life span -- or cut it short.

--Thwarting Major Killers

72. Preventing Good Brains from Going Bad -- New hope for the fight
     against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
80. Stopping Cancer Before It Starts -- Finding it early may prevent
     this scourge for the elderly.
87. Saving Hearts That Grow Old -- Studying everything from baldness
     to bacteria is helping to unlock the mysteries of artherosclerosis.

--Mediations on Quality of Life

92. Promised Land or Purgatory -- Whether old age is worth living
     depends on mental health.
98. Cults of the Undying -- Visions of endless life from Gulliver to
104. It Smells of Immortality -- Socially speaking, long life might


"I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past"
--Thomas Jefferson

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