Keeping Subject heading relevant [Was: Re: Extropian Principle #5]

From: Max More (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 11:51:39 MDT

At 02:35 AM 6/16/00, you wrote:
>(The original reply went to Randall, and Randall responded directly to me; I
>it to go to the list. Thus you wont have seen the messages these are
>responses to.
>I wont do any snipping!)

I would appreciate it if you would change the subject title on this thread,
since I don't see any discussion of Extropian principle #5.

The same request applies to other discussions that begin on the Principles,
then go off-track. I want very much to read and keep for reference comments
on the Extropian Principles so that I can further improve them next time
around. This becomes difficult when the subject line doesn't match the

Of course this point applies to all discussions. Given the volume of mail
on this list, it would be considerate to change subject lines in your
replies whenever thread-drift occurs.



Max More, Ph.D.
President, Extropy Institute.
CEO, MoreLogic Solutions. or

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