Re: Prejudgment

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 00:36:32 MDT

At 01:25 AM 13/06/00 -0500, Bonnie wrote:

>Hey, most of the people on this list seem to be fairly intelligent; so why
>do you leap to unwarranted conclusions? This is not a rhetorical question.
>I'm truly curious.

erm... Bonnie, you've done it yourself here (sort of).

Lee was responding* to QueeneMuse responding to Mike Lorrey telling The
Extrope Boyz the best place to get laid by grrls of like mind. The whole
thing got ugly and tangled very quickly, but Lee was positing a broad
generalisation, not pillorying any particular person.


*in a way I happened to find pretty offensive myself, FWIW (not much)

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