Re: Singularity planning Re: Living Below Your Means (was...)

From: Everitt Mickey (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 19:43:16 MDT

-----Original Message-----
Michael S. Lorrey is reputed to have said...

"Lesson three: buy used equipment when you can, "

I regret that I must disagree. My experience is wit...I
own a small business...that is...I am an Owner Operator (trucker)....I'm on
my first new truck...third truck first one was a "fleet
truck"....with 500K miles on it when i bought second one was a MUCH
nicer and better equiped "owner-op" truck..but still used with "300K"...

Both required approximately a thousand a month in maint. expense....

My current truck I spec'd myself and purchased new....LOTS of's not costing near that in maint.....(naturally I'm VERY
serious about Preventative Maint....)...

So....although Mike is probably right experience adds a
qualifier...."it depends"....on the biz...on the conditions....etc...

San Antonio....

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