From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 10:30:02 MDT
This is the 29'th update on my fly longevity experiments.
In run #26 I checked to see if an alkaline potassium salt can
help reduce alcohol toxicity - result was negative. I also
checked to see whether citric acid exerts any toxic side effects.
I need to add 1/4 tsp to help prevent pathogen growth, but
was curious to see if citric acid might itself reduce longevity,
when enough alcohol is added to already eliminate pathogen
growth. Citric acid proved to be non-toxic.
Run #26 Percent Survival on Day
supplement 6 9 13 19 24 31 38 47 54 63
25% vodka 86 79 61 46 29 25 14 7 7 0
+K bicarbonate 88 81 75 38 13 6 0 - - -
+citric 1/8 tsp 78 63 56 41 30 11 11 7 4 0
+citric 1/4 tsp 83 65 61 52 26 22 13 9 9 4
In prior runs I have found pycnogenol exerts a temporary
survival promoting effect. I was wondering if this effect was
short term because of the antioxidants deteriorating.
In run #27 I check to see if prior exposure for 2 weeks to 200 mg
pycnogenol eliminates the benefit when fresh pycnogenol is
then added. Unfortunely there were not enough flies to include
the bottle using the old pycnogenol laced fly food. In any case
due to the low mortality at the day 8 census, the results are
not robust enough to be decisive.
Run #27 Percent Survival on Day
supplement 8 11 15 24 32 38 47
control/control 80 80 76 64 40 16 4
control/pycnogenol 94 78 67 44 17 11 0
pycnogenol/control 79 75 50 17 8 4 0
pycnogenol/pycnogenol 84 63 53 26 16 0 -
Finally in an interesting recent experiment I tested the
effect of one day exposure to 200 mg pycnogenol or wine on
the ability of flies to survive various lengths of time in my freezer.
After each period in the freezer, the flies had to be warmed up
at room temperature to see they could start moving again.
The poor result with alcohol was a surprise, and as a result no
further experiments with alcohol are planned. Also unexpected
was the apparent ability of pycnogenol to significantly boost
hypothermia/freezing tolerance.
In additional to further longevity experiments I plan
additional "low-tech" cryobiology experiments. If I can find a way
for flies to survive long periods in the freezer this would be a
major advance, which might have commercial application
with regard to transplant organs for example. (I can dream.)
Freezer Run #1 Cumulative Percent Survival After
supplement 0 33 60 65 (minute episodes in freezer)
control 100 100 13 0
pynogenol 100 100 48 24
wine 70 55 5 0
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