Extropian principles - #5 - lets take a look

From: Emlyn \(hotmail\) (emlyn_oregan@hotmail.com)
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 22:31:22 MDT

 5. Open Society - Supporting social orders that foster freedom of speech,
freedom of action, and experimentation. Opposing authoritarian social
control and favoring the rule of law and decentralization of power.
Preferring bargaining over battling, and exchange over compulsion. Openness
to improvement rather than a static utopia.

I support this principle wholeheartedly; when I joined the list  I did not.
When I joined, I was one of those democratic socialist leaning types,
basically thinking that western capitalism is nasty, and a bigger government
would help. Now I am much, much more in favour of dynamic, bottom-up
solutions to social organisation; thank you. A caveat: I still support many
current big-government ideas (such as welfare) out of pragmatism; they do
not belong in my vision of the future to anywhere near the extent that they
exist in my ideals about the present.
OK, on with the meat of this post.
What I have garnered so far from being on the Extropian list is that Western
Capitalism (+ Parliamentary Democracy) are seen as the way of fullfilling
Principle 5. In the libertarian case, I observe (perhaps wrongly) that
people are for a much freer market, minimalist government. There also seem
to be anarchists out there, and I have no idea what they propose (do you
propose anything in particular?)
Shrewd observers may have noticed an anti-capitalistic streak in my posts. I
must define myself presently as a reluctant capitalist (that durned money
What I want to raise here is that I think discussion has been rather
narrowminded in it's approaches to what could constitute a free, open,
dynamical society, etc, to fit Principle 5. The only real answer I've seen
here is standard capitalism, with or without a government.
I feel that capitalism, or standard "free"-market organisation, does not fit
principle 5 very well.
freedom of speech - Is this true in the corporate world?
freedom of action - Within strict boundaries. Particularly, one is excluded
from any kind of real say in how any org is run, unless one runs or owns
that org.
experimentation - Sure.
Opposing authoritarian social control - many list members have particular
views on this; I wont go into it
favoring the rule of law - No, we have the rule of money, which is entirely
coersive in many cases
bargaining over battling - Much of the really big, really influential market
behaviour by the big orgs looks a lot more like battling than bargaining;
they just don't physically attack each other.
exchange over compulsion - As above; the rule of money is all about
compulsion (power), and coersion.
Openness to improvement rather than a static utopia - Within strict
bounds!!! The market favours short term approaches, because it's such a shit
fight. Improvement then is strongly limited to local solutions, and goes for
local maxima all to easily. However, it's not static, and it's not Utopia,
so there is some fit.
I have two major problems with the free-market economy.
1 - Exclusion: Most people are excluded from having a say in most things.
Parliamentary democracy was meant (maybe) to address this, and is an
admirable institution... which looks like an anachronism in the context of
the information/communication revolution.
2 - Destructive competition. As far as I can see, there are two types of
competition; constructive (lets run a race, first one to the end wins), and
destructive (well, you are faster than me, so I'll trip you up, and then
I'll win). Destructive competition is what people complain about with
Microsoft, and it is hard to blame them for using it; that's how this system
works. While it is easy to see the benefits on all sides of constructive
competition, the last-man-standing approach just seems like a bloody waste.
I have the beginnings of a viable alternative, but I'll leave that to a
later post.

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