Re: Extropian principles, let's have a look

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 14:22:05 MDT


>In a message dated 6/9/2000 11:08:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> >
> > Anders: If you check earlier versions of the Principles, you'll see
> > instead of Perpetual Progress I used to have "Boundless Expansion". A
> > number of people didn't like that, thinking that it gaving the
> > that we wanted to "pave over the universe". "Expansion" or "unfolding"
> > (thought the latter I don't like as much) *does* more clearly convey
> > multiple paths, or diverse *ways* of making progress. But then how to
> > the "paving over" (and perhaps imperialist) connotations of
>How about " boundless expression" (Manifestaion;gesture)? As in expressing
>who we are, what we want, who we be... the act of being, stretched to an
>unlimited capacity.
>Since we are not expnading, or growing, as in literally trying to get
>What most mean by growth is improvement, clearly defined; expressed. We are
>not intersted in paving over, or TAKING over anything, because the terrain
>seek to improve mainly resides within the self.

Seems to me what you want is "infinite improvement". I think this fully
expresses the most extropian of hopes and, hey, who could argue with


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