RE: Kardeshev is pre-Spike thinking

From: eugene.leitl (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 00:02:17 MDT

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Damien Broderick wrote:

> Anyone know if the sky would look any different if the intergalactic voids
> are sprinkled with engineered black holes/wormholes, Matrioshka brains, or
> other massy debris from earlier ET Spikers? I sense that there'd be a lot

You're referring to dark matter being brilliant, of course. This should be
detectable by gravitational microlensing events, though this data alone
will not reveal the nature of the bodies. 10 K blackbody is not something
very obvious to our sensors.

However, even if aliens are supercold qubit machines, evolutionary
processes would still fill all accessible niches, including luminous
areas. Intergalactic gods do not exclude primitive stellar-scale

> of nasty diffraction. Might we find that the voids close up as one gets
> farther back in time, more than you'd expected due to cosmic expansion?
> (Here, of course, I'm imagining that the `bubbles' between the galactic
> `filaments' are the residue of just such unfinished expansions. But why the
> nearest bubbles have swallowed everything in sight is hard to understand,
> unless it's an early strategy that got abandoned, at least in our neck of
> the woods, a while back.)

Speediest autoreplicator convergent selection is not something which can
be abandoned at whim, or as a fluke. As to bubbles growing, even 0.99 c is
pretty fast, so that you can't expect to be able to look into the deep
past (which is supposedly sterile due to absence of essential heavier
elements, anyway).

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