Re: Ew!! CYBORG LAMPREY -- here is the address

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 18:46:50 MDT

--- wrote:
> Half fish, half robot
> One day your brain could live on in a mechanical
> shell
> ...

I noticed there wasn't an URL for the story included
in Spudboy's message, so here it is:

      Ziana Astralos GCS/MC/IT/L/O d- s-:- a? C++++ U P+ L W+++ N+ w+
  or M-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+++ DI++++
         T.E.C.H. D+ G++ e- h!>++ !r x-

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