Re: Happy Ascension Day (*nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*)

From: Robin Hanson (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 06:46:31 MDT

Amara Graps wrote:
>In addition, I have learned that Father's Day in this fair Land is
>not celebrated in the same way that Father's Day is celebrated in
>the United States, which is usually celebrated by fathers enjoying
>time with their children and families.
>Instead, in Baden-Wuerttemberg, the fathers traditionally celebrate
>their special day with their male friends (drinking beer, trading
>fishing stories, and so forth).
>YOW. You fellows transformed a state religious holiday into a state
>*male-bonding* holiday ! I'm truly impressed.

Hey, that's a good idea; we should have a male-bonding holiday
here in the U.S. as well. I'm a father and enjoy spending father's
day with my kids, but it would be nice to have a day for male bonding
too. Some people think the super-bowl is that, but it isn't;
lots of women love that day, and many of us men aren't into sports.

Robin Hanson
Asst. Prof. Economics, George Mason University
MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030
703-993-2326 FAX: 703-993-2323

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