Re: ART: What Art Is web page is at:

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 14:56:30 MDT

>In a message dated 5/30/2000 12:20:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > >
> > >how can anyone be angry at a dead person
> >
> > How do you feel about Hitler?
>Not anger. Actually I feel nothing about the individual. About the harm he
>caused, and the murders he commited, I feel sickened,shocked, horrified,
>apalled and distressed. He was terribly disturbed. Also many other
>individuals contributed to that particular situation and I feel the same
>emotions regarding the entire Nazi movement, of course!. I can make
>about his character, & call him evil. But to be angry at the man himself
>would be pointless, wouldn't it? Wasted emotional energy. He is dead.
>I *would* be angry at anyone alive today if they began espousing his views
>however, since my anger could be turnedinto something rational, like a
>protest, idictment or intervention. Perhaps I could modify their behavior
>some way. At least I could feel as if I tried. Those who do not remember
>past are doomed to reapeat it, as they say.
>The past is over, so getting angry at, or it's denizens, it is a profitless

You apparently have a *much* better control over your emotions than I do. I
can tell myself that anger is pointless, but that won't abate my anger if I
am angry. Not only is Hitler dead, he died decades before I was born. Yet
I cannot help feeling anger toward anyone who could victimize innocent
humans the way he did. The fact that he is dead has absolutely no bearing
on how I feel toward him.


"I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past"
--Thomas Jefferson

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