Re: Fw: Will Florida Outlaw Naturopathy?

From: \[ Robert-Coyote \] (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 14:28:21 MDT

Being that biochemical individuality can make [almost] any drug ineffective,
you can show studies that can [almost] refute anything with a particular
individual sample.

example :
although ephedra sineca contains some average quantity of ephedrine, and
ephedrine is usually somewhat thermogenic in most humans, and thermogenisis
is sometimes helps "weight loss"

not all ephedra sineca contains ephedrine
not all ephedra sineca contains significant ephedrine
ephedrine is not always thermogenic in all people
ephedrine is not always thermogenic in all people every time
thermogenesis will not always cause "weight loss"
thermogenesis will not always cause "weight loss" every time

however it is commonly held that ephedrine causes some lipolysis [fat loss]
in most people most of the time, and fat loss usually results in "weight
loss" most of the time.

>From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>
> > |wants to sell herbs or accupuncture services, I wouldn't interfere.
> > |But if ey claims in advertising that they will help you lose weight
> > |or cure your flu, then ey has committed fraud.
> >
> > Can you prove decisively that acupuncture cannot help you lose weight?
>I can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, to the standards of criminal
>law, that the person making the advertisement and selling the
>services does not have valid evidence that the method is effective.

Depends. Maybe you can meet your burden to a jury from Lubbock, Texas. But
maybe not to a jury in San Francisco.


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