Re: Latest Supreme Court Ruling: US v. Lopez

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 13:17:08 MDT

Brian Manning Delaney wrote:

> Technotranscendence wrote:
> >
> > On Monday, May 22, 2000 12:56 PM Michael S.
> > Lorrey wrote:
> >> Assuming Bush gets elected, I forsee US. v.
> >> Emerson passing the Court with a
> >> devastating victory for gun owner rights
> >> and the 2nd Amendment.
> > Assuming he gets elected... But the problem is,
> > a Conservative Court is no friend to freedom
> > in general. Surely, we might -- ah, might!
> > -- get some gun control removed, but in other
> > areas, such as police power, we might have
> > more freedoms curtailed.
> Indeed.
> Speaking of which, I would think the U.S. presidential election
> choice would be a difficult one for an Extropian. On the one
> hand, you have the obvious ZOG-type problems with Gore, but on
> the other hand, you have, with Bush, not just the potential for
> expanded police powers (which doesn't bother me too much), but
> also the possibility of severe restrictions in stem cell
> research -- and not just the federal funding thereof.

Molly Ivins wrote a book about Dubya called "Shrub". In it she detailed how the
fundamentalists that got Bush elected to the Texas Governorship wound up with a
lot less than they bargained for, and in the end wound up just being happy that
"THAT woman" was no longer the Governor (Anne Richards).

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