Re: Can I kill the "semantics"?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 08:00:03 MDT

m wrote:
> --- Zero Powers <> wrote:
> > >From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>
> > > > > >It's a fruit!
> > > > >
> > > > > Fruit grows on trees, tomatoes grow on vines.
> > >
> > >So I guess that makes a strawberry a vegetable too?
> >
> > And watermelon too?
> Blast it..
> A fruit is something with a seed in it or at least something which
> did have such a seed when it was in the wild (this allows sterile
> bananas).
> A vegetable is something edible derived from a non-reproductive
> part( eg roots, stems, leaves).

squash? gourds? cucumbers? beans? peas?

> Now, to return to other matters-
> If you submit to a destructive copying process that produces a
> non-conscious copy of you (or one that doesn't share your actual
> stream of consciousness), then the copy can be a considered a
> "vegetable" (at least selfishly).
> You might contain the original seed of consciousness, but wouldn't
> you have to be a "fruit" to accept this strategy?.

Or just Californian. California: land of fruits and nuts.

Mike Lorrey

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