Re: Possible meeting around Palo Alto conference?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 15:36:03 MDT

> There is a very extropian conference in Palo Alto this weekend
> put on by the Foresight institute:
> Unfortunately it is now $600 to attend, so I think I will skip it
> even though I will happen to be in Palo Alto that weekend.
> But perhaps people would be interested in having a get-together
> after the conference? Some extropians will be in attendance,
> including at least Robin Hanson, Nick Szabo, and Damien Broderick.
> I will be in town, at (301) 523 6579. Is anyone interested
> in meeting that Sunday evening, 6PM, in Palo Alto?

I hadn't planned on attending the conference either, but I'll be
in town. I've copied this thread to the Extropians list at large,
because I'd be particularly interested in meeting some of the non-
bay area folks who will be there (like Eli, as I recall).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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