Re: keeping a cool head.

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 13:41:25 MDT

Brian D Williams writes:

> One of Saul Kents companies, 21st Century Medicine, has been
> working on this for some time. If I remember correctly it involves
> partial ventilation with an oxygenated flurocarbon. They are
> specifically developing this for ambulance crews as I recall.

Had been. After the split, the company specializing in this type of
technology is CCR. Also, the work is largely completed (though there
is probably still one or two papers to be churned out using existing
data). It would be sure nice to develop a portable fieldable gadget,
but CCR is spread thin personally, while also having other fish to

Also, the awareness for the necessity to apply hypothermia in the
field and the ER quickly is not yet widespread. Lots of energy
necessary to bash closed doors open.

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