Re: AI: FWD (IUFO/mind-l) Robokitty and Artificial brain building

Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 20:39:38 MDT

In a message dated 5/13/00 6:49:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Professor Hugo de Garis, physicist, lately of Melbourne and now of Kyoto
 in Japan, fears that his experiments may ultimately lead to the
 extermination of the human race. What do you think? >>
My response is, I think, the most sensible. That is, to run down the streets,
naked and screaming, in last final, primal rage against the Machine!
Waaaaaaaaaah. There, I feel better. Actually, I could use a 6-pack of
Artilect brains. Or even one decent working one. As far as extinction goes?
Well I am more concerned with climatic oppression, nuke war, and meteor
strikes of the third kind. I will indeed look up the website, thanks.


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